5 Offline Fields with Huge Future Potential

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Believe it or not, today’s generation, also so-called Generation Z are merely taught that if you want them to succeed, they will need to shift their academic focus towards studying online matters.

No doubt, areas spanning from digital marketing, machine learning, Blockchain technology are booming like anything.

However, this doesn’t mean that OFFLINE businesses don’t work anymore.

If this would be the case, then we wouldn’t even be able to eat FOOD which is a basic necessity.

To abolish the ill-mentality of offline businesses, I have written this new guide.

In fact, this article is living proof that offline businesses are always evergreen & thriving by portraying the 5 best offline businesses.

Therefore, if you are interested in exploring huge offline careers, then you will love this new article.

Let’s commence.

5 Offline Areas with Huge Demand

1. Real estate –

Real estate can be by-far one of the best profitable offline businesses if you know what you are doing.

Most people incur losses in real estate because they start it without learning adequately.

Though it doesn’t require any college degree to become a successful realtor or real estate agent, yet it doesn’t mean you can start on a sudden day.

You need some kind of experience, respected human acquaintances, the power of estimating the value of any land by just looking at it, and much more.

Luckily, we can learn almost everything related to real estate from successful people.

There are many great books written on it that you can read.

In real estate, the main purpose is to buy land for its intrinsic value and sell it at a high rate by making the land more valuable.

That’s why you will see a handful of people building petrol pumps on barren land and then selling the whole land at a profound price.

Similarly, you can build different things as per the demand near that place.

Note: Most people entering into real estate fear due to its cash flow delays. You will not receive any payment until you build something on the land and sell it.

And building something useful takes time.

Yet, if you have patience, funds, and required knowledge about real estate, then you can make a fortune out of it.

Here are some of the books related to real estate that can benefit you:

  • The richest man in Babylon
  • Rich dad poor dad
  • Trump: The Art of the deal
  • The book on rental property investing

2. Investing –

Note: I am not an investment advisor or any professional related to it. I am just sharing my viewpoints and some research-backed facts to make you mindful.

Here, investing differs from real estate.

I am not talking about lands here.

Instead, I am talking about all investments ranging from safer deposits such as Mutual Funds, and deposits, SIP to a little bit riskier investments such as the stock market.

Investing in commodities such as gold, silver, etc can also be included here.

Investing has done wonders for many and can do the same for you

According to the world’s richest investor, Warren Buffet, almost everyone should invest at least some portion of their salary regularly and create a diversified collection for a better future.

In fact, he started investing from the age of 10 and started paying tax from the age of around 15.

Investing taught him discipline and patience.

Once he even challenged his own life for investing. He said that if he would fail to become a millionaire from investing before the age of 35, then he would jump off from the tallest building of Omaha.

But thanks to investing and its compounding effect, he was a millionaire at age 31 just through stock market investing.

Similarly, you can start it too.


You should not leave everything else that you are pursuing and start investing. Always remember, it is a passive income stream yet does not work according to your will.

The markets move up and down independently without anyone’s control except the supply and demand.

Thus, instead of investing all the money at a place, start with a portion of your income and create a diversified portfolio after consulting any investment expert for better results.

Investment is subject to market risks and you do not want to make any wrong step when it comes to capitalizing on cash.

Pro tip: No entry barrier makes investment feasible for all. By investing in the stock market, you do not need a minimum amount to invest.

2. Import/export –

Import-export is somehow similar to dropshipping. In import/export, you can basically either import goods or services from other countries or export goods of your country to other countries.

Anyways, what makes it great?

The exchange currency rates.

Let’s say, you are an Indian and have a blanket manufacturing plant in India.

Now, if you directly export those blankets to developed countries like the USA (after analyzing the blanket demand over there), you can get paid much more than what you would usually make in India.

Why so?

When you export in the USA, you earn money based on their currency.

1$ = 72 Rupees (approx..) makes all the difference.

Exporting blankets was just an example. You can sell whatever you want.

Just makes sure that you do enough research on finding lucrative products that are exported to other countries.

Based on that demand, you can create and sell efficiently without any wastage or fear of loss.

If you are great at analyzing a country’s economic conditions, managing & handling stuff, then import/export business can be a divine grail for you.

As per the amount of revenue you can earn, import/export is one of the most profitable offline businesses anyone can think of.

4. Recycling business –

The recycling business is another great offline trade.

In recycling, you can recycle any product such as plastic, paper, glass, and the list goes on and on.

The only problem with it:

Whatever product you choose to recycle; you will require a somehow large amount of funds to initiate.

Not only for the infrastructure but also for all the machinery that you will require for the process of recycling.

But believe me, this is one of the most needed & awaited business, especially in developing countries.

That’s the main reason why more and more emerging start-ups are based on recycling products to keep the environment clean.

You can start with something trivial and then scale yourself once the revenue grows.

There is so much garbage in the country, you can take the first-mover advantage by constructing something invaluable even out of that waste.

Trust me, with a unique idea, your recycling business can see the days of the IPO.

5. Organic farming –

Last but not least, my favorite offline business i.e. organic farming.

In organic farming, you can automate almost everything.

Just like normal farming, organic farming involves the same process of growing crops, using the same equipment, labor, etc.

The only difference lies in the pests that you sprinkle on the crops.

In normal farming, agro-pesticides are used to grow the crops faster. But in organic farming, the pests are organically created at a farm with the help of non-toxic materials such as herbs, cow-dung, etc.

This makes their products 100% safe and without chemicals.

Food is a necessity to all.

No one can survive without it.

And due to a constant increase in the harmful products in the market, consumers are highly shifting towards organic products for health purposes.

Therefore, today is the best time to start your organic farm and sell safe-to-eat and fresh products.

Just like the recycling business, this also requires a substantial amount of investment especially while buying the land and paying the labor force regularly.

Yet, it always pays off if you do it the right way.

What Do You Think?

These were the 5 best offline businesses that will not only survive but thrive in the upcoming years.

Though I exposed only 5 of these, there may be many more businesses that I forgot to mention.

If you have any unique offline business clue that I omitted here, then feel free to share that idea in the comments below right now.

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